

Articles by Ilyse Simon RD

Ilyse Simon RD CDN is a freelance writer.  Her articles have appeared in VegNews, The Woodstock Times (now HV1), Chronogram magazine, and Today’s Dietitian.

The Body Battle: Food is not the root of anorexia and bulimia. Published in the Healthy Living Guide by Luminary Publishing Fall 06/Winter 07

Foods to Balance Blood Sugar: A Return to Sensible Eating - Published in Chronogram 5/06

Eating: when words aren’t enough - Woodstock Times

Surviving the Guilt Season - Published in Chronogram 1/06

Gluten Sensitivity - VegNews

General Resources National Eating Disorders Association. Treatment referrals, media advocacy program, and links to other eating disorders associations. Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center gives referrals to eating disorder specialists, treatment facilities and support groups. Mirror-Mirror is a tribute to individuals who are recovering from eating disorders. Boosting positive body image at any weight


Insulin Resistance and PCOS

The Schwarzbein Principle by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein


Diet is a 4 Letter Word.